
Use SD Card as Internal Storage

Use SD Card as Internal Storage

If your phone has a small amount of storage, you probably want to use an external microSD card as internal storage. So here’s how to do it:

enter image description here


  • Android 10 <=
  • Magisk
  • A good quality microSD Card
  • Root file explorer (I use MiXplorer)

Before doing anything, I highly recommend you to read the documentation from GitHub repository.


  1. Download fbind module from GitHub.
  2. Open Magisk app ➡️ 🧩 Modules ➡️ 📦 Install from storage
  3. Wait install to finish.
  4. Open MiXplorer ➡️ navigate to /data/adb/vr25/fbind
  5. Create config.txt with a text editor.
  6. Paste the following code: int_extf .external_storage
  7. Hit save & reboot

Other Configurations

For some reason you just want to move some specific folders to microSD and leave the rest to internal storage. Well, you can do that too.

  1. Install the module from magisk ➡️ reboot.
  2. Edit config.txt along the path: /data/adb/vr25/fbind
  3. The necessary folders are bind like this:
    from_to <phone_folder> <sd-card folder>

Example config.txt to give you an idea:

from_to WhatsApp .WhatsApp  
from_to Viber .Viber  
from_to Download .Download  
from_to DCIM .DCIM  
from_to Pictures .Pictures

Please note that if you don’t put period infront of <sd-card folder> the picture & video will appear twice in your Gallery app.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.