
How to Setup Network File Sharing?

Here’s how to share files & folders in Windows:

Open Computer Management

First, you will need to open Computer Management Win + XComputer Management

computer management

Create a New User

Just in case you need a password protection, You’ll need a new account.

  1. Local Users and GroupsUsersRight ClickNew User...

New user

  1. Fill down your new User name & password
  2. Uncheck User must change password at next logon

username password

Choose a Folder to Share

Now it’s time to choose a folder you wanted to share.

  1. Shared FoldersSharesRight ClickNew Share...

New shared folder

  1. On Create A Shared Folder Wizard window: NextBrowse... ➡ select a folder ➡ OK


  1. Customize permissions (recommended) ➡ Check Full ControlOkFinish

Cusmotize permissons

Give Permission to a User

  1. Select shared folder you just created & <kbd>Right Click</kbd>Properties

Shared Folder Properties

  1. Security tab ➡ EditAdd.. ➡ Fill user name inside Enter the object names to selectOK

Add Username

  1. Under Permissions for home network window: Click your user name ➡ Check Allow on Full ControlOK

Give Full Control Permission


Check the Advanced Sharing Settings

Make sure the settings has been setup correctly.
Win + XNetwork ConnectionsNetwork and Sharing CentreChange advanced sharing settings

Follow these settings:




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